Frequently Asked Questions

What is CrossFit?

CrossFit is constantly varied functional movements performed at a high intensity in different formats, modes, and time domains. CrossFit incorporates gymnastics, weightlifting, cardiovascular training, and everything in between. Still unsure of what CrossFit entails? Come try it out for yourself!

Can I CrossFit?

ABSOLUTELY! Everyone can CrossFit. The programming will be adjusted based on your individual needs and goals.

Do I need to be in shape first?

No! You will start at your own pace and level of fitness. The coaches are there to help you with your current fitness level.

What is a WOD?

WOD stands for ‘Workout of the Day’. This is the main workout piece of the class.

What does RX mean?

RX stands for “as prescribed”. There will be weights/ movements that will be given as a guideline for the workout.

What is I can’t or don’t want to lift the weight given or if I Can’t do an exercise prescribed in a WOD?

No problem! One of the great things about CrossFit is that every movement can be altered or ‘scaled’ to ensure that you can safely and effectively move through your workout getting the most that you can out of it. The prescribed WOD is created to challenge the fittest athletes and is not an expectation for athletes to complete these prescriptions.

What is I have an injury?

All movements in CrossFit can be scaled and modified to ensure you are moving safely. Be sure to speak with your coach about your injury and they will find a movement that works to maximize your workout!

Can I shower and Get ready for my day at your gym?

Sure thing. We have showers!

What is with all the acronyms?

A lot of our workouts will incorporate acronyms. Your coach will of course go over these with you in class, but here are a few of the more common ones.

WOD - Workout of the Day
EMOM - Every minute on the minute
AMRAP - As Many Rounds (or Reps) as possible
RFT - Rounds for Time
RX - As prescribed

How do I get started today?

Visit the membership page by clicking this link to purchase the package that works best for you.